Traffic and Safety

We have a new stoplight!
Construction of the stoplight at Walhonding and Sangamore finalized in the spring of 2023! GEHCA met with Montgomery County DOT several times in 2019 and 2020 to help this initiative.
Glen Echo Heights sign
During construction of the stoplight at Sangamore and Walhonding the GLEN ECHO HEIGHTS sign and garden were destroyed. We are working on replacing the sign and installing a low-maintenance, native plant and pollinator friendly garden similar to the one at the bottom of Walhonding where it meets MacArthur. WE WANT YOUR INPUT. Please email GEHCA at with any thoughts, concerns, or opinions about the sign and garden.
Speeding on Walhonding
In 2019 GEHCA also discussed traffic calming, speed deterrents, and safety upgrades along Walhonding. We met with Montgomery County DOT to discuss options and held a well-attended GEHCA meeting to get neighborhood input. Several options were considered including speed bumps, round-a-bouts, chicanes, and sidewalks. One thing to note here is that there is resistance from DOT, the local fire department, and many neighbors to speed bumps. The main reason for this resistance is that Walhonding is a main access road to Glen Echo Heights, Mohican Hills, Glen Echo town, and MacArthur for emergency vehicles like fire trucks and ambulances. To consider other options, DOT conducted a speed study conducted along Walhonding at the bend as you are ascending/descending the hill. WE WANT YOUR INPUT. Please email GEHCA at with any thoughts, concerns, or opinions about speed calming on Walhonding.
Blind hill on Waukesha
There is a dangerous blind hill on Waukesha. This is particularly noteworthy as it is very close to a bus stop for Wood Acres ES, Pyle MS, and Walt Whitman HS. This blind hill was also addressed at the 2019 meeting with Montgomery County DOT. Several options were considered to mitigate danger. It is the feeling of most residents that a sign is simply not sufficient to protect elementary and middle school aged kids walking down that street. WE WANT YOUR INPUT. Please email GEHCA at with any thoughts, concerns, or opinions about the blind hill on Waukesha.
We are ready to reinitiate efforts with Montgomery County DOT to address neighborhood traffic issues again and WE NEED YOU!!
Please join the board!!