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Welcome to Glen Echo Heights Citizens Association!  We welcome new members!  Please complete the application and payment forms below. (If you are renewing your membership, please login to your profile.)

Membership Application

Membership (Household): $48.00 (USD)
Bundle (unlimited) Subscription period: 1 year.
NO automatically recurring payments

Household Membership



Welcome to Glen Echo Heights Citizens Association!

Valid for one year

Subscription period: 1 year

Membership Benefits

Why should I/we join?

  • GEHCA is your voice to state and country officials on matters of general concern such as vandaism and theft, county services, aircraft noise and environmental issues, construction and roads.  

  • GEHCA offers the opportunity to get to know people in your neighborhood through social events such as the Halloween party, the Spring Party, Holiday Caroling, Drinks in the Driveway, and more!


How can I get involved?


  • Join GEHCA

  • Attend regular and special interest meetings and social events

  • Join or start a committee/club


The Glen Echo Heights' boundaries are: Westpath Way (between Sangamore and Wapakoneta) on the south, MacArthur Blvd on the west, Walhonding Road on the north, and Sangamore Road on the east. Plus - fun fact - Glen Echo Heights also includes the small bonus 'finger' consisting of Wapakoneta and Alexander Roads to the south off of MacArthur Blvd!  Click here to view the map of our area. Membership is open to everyone in the Glen Echo Heights neighborhood and you must live in the Glen Echo Heights boundaries to vote on GEHCA business matters


*NOTE: We are currently editing our bylaws to allow resident of the Mohican Hills neighborhood to join GEHCA. THIS IS NOT A MERGER of the two citizens association. Instead it simply allows members of Mohican Hills join GEHCA. There will be a formal vote on the final amended Bylaws.


Comments or concerns about this can be sent to

We hope you sign up now!

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